Tips for Your Breast Augmentation


Tips for Your Breast Augmentation

If you are considering getting breast augmentation, below are some helpful tips to ensuring that you are prepared both before and after your surgery:

Before Your Breast Augmentation:

  • Buy a few larger bras (not padded) in the cup size that you would like to be after your surgery, pad them, and wear them under your clothes. This will help you get used to having larger breasts, and will help you determine the size that you would prefer.
  • Have reasonable expectations regarding the healing process and outcome of your surgery.
  • Drink a lot of water in the days prior to your  surgery, which will help ward off the nausea that is often induced by the anesthesia.
  • Practice sleeping on your back and/or propped up with pillows, because you will be unable to do so for the first few days (at least) after your surgery.
  • Tell your doctor in advance about any and all medications that you are taking.
  • Stop taking Aspirin-containing medications and products, ibuprofen, and all vitamins and herbs at least two weeks before your surgery.
  • Do not drink any alcoholic beverages for at least 24 hours before your surgery.
  • Make sure to remove all jewelry and piercings before your surgery.
  • If you are expecting to start your period around the time of your scheduled surgery date, be sure to inform your surgeon.
  • Wear loose-fitting clothes to your surgery.
  • If you smoke, quit for 4-6 weeks before your surgery or, at the very least, cut back as much as you can.  This is especially true if you are having a breast augmentation, as smoking reduces the oxygen levels in the blood, which will inhibit healing. In patients having breast augmentation, this could lead to necrosis (tissue death), so do your best to stop smoking prior to your surgery.
  • Clean your house and do all the laundry a day or two before your surgery so that you don’t have to worry about straining yourself during the healing process.
  • Make up your sofa with sheets, pillows and blankets.
  • Cook some meals ahead of time and freeze them.
  • Buy frozen bags of fruit or vegetables, or reusable ice packs to use for post-surgery swelling.
  • Ask your surgeon if he will prescribe anti-nausea medication.  You may also want to ask if he prescribes Valium (or something equivalent) to take the night or morning of surgery, which will help you relax.
  • On the day of your surgery, reiterate to your surgeon what you want/have discussed, such as the type of implant, size, etc.
  • Take a shower, wash your hair, and shave the morning prior to surgery. If you are getting the transax incision be sure to take your time shaving as cutting yourself could introduce bacteria and lead to an infection.
  • If you have dogs which require walking, make arrangements for someone to do that for you for at least a week or two, depending on the size of the dog.
  • Walk through your house with your elbows held close to your sides. This will give you an idea of how you’ll feel for the first few days after surgery and give you an idea as to what sorts of items you need to get down (dishes, snacks, etc)
  • Make sure you do not wear fingernail polish (on hands or feet) when you have surgery. Oxygen levels are sometimes monitored just by looking at the color of the nail bed. If it’s blue in color, this means that you aren’t getting enough oxygen. It’s very important not to wear polish.
  •  If not wearing underwear bothers you, be sure to wear 100% cotton underwear to your surgery, as some surgeons won’t allow you to keep them on unless they’re 100% cotton.
  •  If you’re planning on using something to treat your incisions, such as vitamin E, silicone sheeting, etc., have this ready prior to surgery.


After Your Breast Augmentation:


  • Make sure that you have someone to help you get home after your surgery, and who can stay with you for at least the first 24-48 hours afterward.
  • Make sure you have a coffee can, or other container with a lid, in the car for the ride home, in case you throw up on the way home.
  • Take your pain medication with food; medication can upset the stomach, and eating helps prevent any nausea which might be brought on by the medication.
  • Be certain to know the signs of infection: fever, pus, redness, inflammation, breasts that are hot to the touch, excessive swelling, and flu-like symptoms. If you begin experiencing any of these symptoms contact your doctor immediately.
  • Have easy-to-wear clothes ready for the weeks following your surgery.
  • Have everything you need beside your bed/sofa/recliner, such as remote controls, phone, magazines/books, water bottle, medications, etc.  A trash can will also be needed, in case you begin to feel nauseous.
  • If your appetite begins to suffer as a result of the medications, have easy-to-eat foods like crackers, Jello, and nutritional drinks like Boost to ensure that your body is still getting fuel.
  • If you don’t get your prescriptions until after the surgery, get them filled at the hospital pharmacy.  If you have an insurance/pharmacy card, don’t forget to take it with your on the day of your surgery.
  • Use a pill-organizer box to ensure that you take all of your meds when you are supposed to.  If you don’t want to use a pillbox, write down how much medication you take, and when you take it.
  • Have a good supply of magazines, books, and videos, since you won’t feel like doing much of anything for the first few days/week following surgery. Try to avoid comedies, especially if you have implants placed under the muscle, because they make you laugh, which causes your pectoral muscles to tighten/contract.
  • Keep a diary of how you are feeling day-to-day, what your aches and pains are, swelling amounts, etc, to keep track of your progress and to provide an accurate report when you see your doctor.
  • If your breasts itch after your breast augmentation, use ice packs or lotion (be sure to avoid the incisions if you use lotion).
  • Pain medications often cause constipation after surgery, so be sure to have a mild laxative on hand and drink lots of water.
  • Do not take diuretics after your surgery unless your surgeon has approved it.
  • Try to avoid slouching, which can aggravate back pain.
  • Do not take aspirin, garlic supplements, or ibuprofen for at least 2 weeks after your surgery, as they thin the blood.
  • Get a lot of rest.
  • You may experience mood swings after your breast augmentation surgery due to the combination of the general anesthesia, medications, lack of sleep and pain. This is normal, and will pass.
  • Your nipples will likely be very sensitive after surgery, so use numbing pads or creams if necessary.
  • Do not submerge your incision in a tub bath until it is completely closed. Doing so can introduce bacteria/infection.


For more information on breast augmentation surgery, and how you can prepare for yours, visit our website or call us at 204-947-9322.


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