There are several choices to make during the procedure regarding location, size, type of implant, and incision site, all of which are extremely personal decisions that our surgeons will help guide you through.
The procedure often takes between 1-2 hours and is usually performed under a general anesthetic.
Implant Choices
- Subglandular: Directly beneath the breast tissue.
- Submuscular: Behind the pectoral muscle.
- Size
- Shape: Round or teardrop.
- Type: Silicone or saline.
- Surface: Smooth or textured.
- Incision Site: Under the breast crease, around the lower border of the areola, or in the underarm area.
Am I A Candidate?
If you are in good general health and have specific but realistic goals for the improvement of your appearance, there is no defined age limit for this procedure.
You must tell your surgeon if you’ve had previous breast surgery, undiagnosed breast lumps, or known breast cancer.
What To Expect
Performed as an outpatient procedure, most patients experience minimal discomfort easily controlled with oral medication. You will likely experience some bruising and swelling after surgery, but the majority of the swelling will likely subside after a few days. Most patients are back to work within one week, but should avoid strenuous exercise and heavy lifting for 3 weeks.
We provide detailed preoperative and postoperative instructions at Western Surgery Centre.
Additional Information
Our goal is to provide you with the information required to ease the decision-making process.
We strongly encourage you to research the operation thoroughly. Here are some useful links to help you: